marian bantjes is a graphic designer who brings a personal touch to all her projects, whether commissioned or not. above is a laser sail boat designed for wallpaper magazine and wallpaper designed for maharam fabric co. this is her new book, full of beautiful design pages and personal musings. it's on pre-order now at amazon. her work is reminiscent of gustav klimt, one of my favorite artists.
klimt - portrait of adele bloch-bauer at one of the best places to visit in NYC, neue galerie and when you go, do stop in to the sabarsky cafe for a sachertorte and a viennese kaffee.
i quite liked this wine so i wanted to remember the name, but when i looked at it, the name seemed to ring a bell. benvolio was a character in romeo and juliette. and i started to think about names. for instance elizabeth, a common anglo/american name has typical wasp roots; 'gift of god', etc. in israel, for instance, names are often derived from nature. like, tamar, a girl's name which is a palm tree. why don't we have more names like that? for instance, fir, for a boy or pine for a girl...okay i take it back - there's olive, rose, lilly, mrytle. but i like the native american names like totsi (hopi for moccasins) or nita (choctaw for bear)or how about mituna, miwok name for 'wraps salmon in willow leaves'. strong names. i guess english just isn't very poetic.
First I was a designer in New York, then Los Angeles. Then I became a wardrobe stylist for advertising and fashion mags and commercials. Now I design Marie Turnor. I think Marie Turnor is my alter ego.